Houston, TX – Today, Avow: Unapologetic Abortion Advocacy announced four endorsements in the 2024 Primary Election. Avow has typically only endorsed candidates in General Elections but decided to support these candidates because of their abortion out-loud approach in the face of Texas’ extreme political climate and abortion bans.

Avow Political Director Caroline Duble issued the following statement:
“In a state where abortion is criminalized, we need every person running for office to declare openly, bluntly, and without shame that abortion is healthcare and should be free and easily accessible to any Texan, for any reason. We endorsed these four candidates because they are proud to say that abortion makes our families, our communities, and our lives better.
Simply put, abortion is a reality of our reproductive lives. Abortion has existed as long as pregnancy because people have always needed to terminate pregnancies for a myriad of health and personal reasons. One in every four Texans capable of pregnancy will have an abortion in their lifetime, and we are all harmed when abortion is criminalized.
These four leaders reflect the real Texas, which is full of people who have either had abortions themselves or love people who have had abortions. The vast majority of Texans want abortion access in this state. We’re excited to support these candidates as they speak openly and destigmatize abortion in their districts.”
What the candidates are saying:
“I am thankful everyday that abortion was legal and safe when I needed one, and I will spend the rest of my life fighting to restore that right for my fellow Texans. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with my neighbors across our state” – Molly Cook, SD 15
“During my year as Miss Texas, I traveled more than 70,000 miles across our great state teaching about diversity and inclusion while simultaneously advocating for access to abortion. I met hundreds and thousands of Texans from various walks of life who all collectively value our personal freedom and believe that abortion is a personal decision between a person, their family, their faith, and their doctor.” – Averie Bishop, HD 112
“I will continue to be an advocate in the Texas House to support quality healthcare access, reproductive justice, and the right to abortion access.” – Rep. Venton Jones, HD 100
“I am honored to be endorsed by Avow and will work every day in the legislature to repeal Texas’ abortion ban and remove all medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion access. Abortion is a healthcare procedure. Health care decisions should be made by patients in consultation with their doctors without government interference – period.” – Lauren Ashley Simmons, HD 146